Monday, January 21, 2008

misunderstanding fear

John Mayer writes in his song “The Heart of Life” that “fear is a friend who is misunderstood.” Analyzing these lyrics in terms of the title helps provide insight into the fact that fear lies at the heart of all human life and is an emotion often deemed negative when it is actually simply misunderstood. In Henry C. Link’s introduction to Basil King’s Conquest of Fear, he introduces the idea that “as individuals we need difficulties to overcome” and extends that “fear is a stimulus to overcoming them” (Link). This concept that fear acts as a motivator in many of life’s hardships indicates that this avoided emotion is a necessary aspect of life. Link also refers to fear as the “the summons to putting forth new energies” once an individual accepts the idea that fear should not be feared. Rejecting the preconceived notion of fear in its negative connotation allows an individual to acknowledge the emotion as a guiding, motivating factor in life.

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